Hair coloring is something these days people do without any gender restrictions from teens to elderly people.
Bleaching the hair is different from coloring and nearly 75 percent of people have increased the habit of coloring hair in the past few years. The natural hair color depends on the pigmentation of your natural hair base and adding new color adds different pigmentation.
Stripping the hair color means using a product to strip hair color and remove the pigmentation of the color we used. This process will remove the hair color we used and will not affect the natural color or damage them.
Bleach vs Stripping
Many people confuse themselves with the idea of bleaching and stripping hair it is because of the lack of knowledge in the concept. Bleach gets into the hair shaft and removes the artificial hair color along with the natural pigmentation in the hair. Which damages the hair strands and creates brittle in hair and damage takes time to be conditioned. The effects of stripping hair color are different it only removes the artificial hair color and protects the natural tone. Many people question that is stripping hair color damaging and the answer is no it removes only the artificial pigmentation makes your hair damage-free.
The unplanned results
We typically have an idea or imagination on how our hair must be before or during the hair coloring process. But not all the time we get desired results and sometimes they are not satisfying so stripping comes in. When you want to get back to your natural hair color without troubling your hair then stripping apart the bond between the melanin in your hair and hair dye is the procedure. Whereas bleaching has harsh chemicals that remove the natural melanin from the hair which makes it turn yellow or white.
Stripping hair at home
We don’t need a stylist to strip hair color instead get to know how to strip hair color from home in an easy way. There are many hair dye lightening products available to remove hair colors and Sulphur-based products work better. They open up the cuticles in hair strands and break the bond between melanin in hair and hair color pigmentation. But they do not affect the natural pigmentation of our hair particles. If we surf through online and pharmacies, we can find those products that are available even in the cosmetic product store for hair.
Vitamin C
Many use ascorbic acid which is vitamin c rich to remove artificial hair color substantially on their own. Adding ½ of vitamin c tablet with clarifying shampoo can lighten the shades of dye in your hair to fade but it cannot make your hair have its natural color.
Baking soda
Baking soda helps strip hair color but not very good results are available as still other products are better at giving results. When it comes to semi-permanent hair dye these ideas are helpful but on permanent hair dye, it can fade in slight quantities but not permanently.